What is eTwinning?
eTwinning is part of Erasmus+, the European Union's programme on education, training, youth and Sport. Its goal is to promote and facilitate contact, exchange of ideas and collaborative work between teachers and students from countries participating in eTwinning through ICT.
42 is the number of full-fledged countries that are part of eTwinning: Albania, Germany, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Norway, Holland, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Jordan, Lebanon, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Tunisia.
We leave the links to the main page:
Here we go!
Our school has done two eTwinning projects last year. For the next course we are interested in continuing to grow within this European project, because we consider that it is a unique opportunity to make our students see the importance of language and teamwork, besides giving them the chance to know and interact with students from other countries!
Through this page of the blog we will hang the different projects and the progress of our students.
We hope you like it!
SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020
Hello again!
2n A and 2n B are working on a etwinning project with the
school St. Timothy's, in Glasgow.
We are reading the book
"Somebody swallowed Standley".
With this book and the
adventures of a special jellyfish (a plastic bag) we are working on the
importance of protecting our
natural environment.
Let us recommend you this interesting video that has been done by
Sarah Roberts who Somebody swallowed Standley's author.